
Getting in touch

We hope that you will see that at Dale Hall we encourage all of our staff and children to come forward and share their thoughts and ideas with us. We always refer to our 4 ways to be...
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Caring
Be safe
We expect this from all of our Dale Hall school community.
If for some reason you feel that we could improve, make changes or help to resolve a problem then please get in contact with us. We have a highly skilled team of staff at Dale Hall who have a vast experience when it comes to finding solutions. Below is a useful chart to help you know who to talk to when you need to ask for help or have a question or complaint.

For details of the appropriate staff to contact please see our staff page


  1. It is always best, in the first instance, to message your child’s class teacher via Dojo. If you would prefer a telephone call then please message the teacher asking for this.
  2. If the class teacher is unable to deal with your enquiry or you feel it needs to have a higher level of intervention then we will escalate it to the phase leader. If your complaint concerns the class teacher then you need to contact the phase leader by emailing the school office.
  3. If the problem cannot be resolved by the phase leader, then it will be referred to our Assistant Head teachers, Mrs Morris or Mrs Critchley. They will then arrange a mutually convenient time to call you. Mrs Morris is also a DSL.
  4. If the situation is still not resolved then please ask for an appointment with Miss Nixon, our Deputy Head teacher. In most situations Miss Nixon is able to resolve any difficulties or find solutions.
  5. If this is not the case, or you are still dis-satisfied then you should telephone or email the office to ask for an appointment with the Headteacher. I will then look through all the associated paperwork, notes from the meetings etc and will be fully informed and able to offer support.
  6. If the issue remains unresolved then please email the office for the Chair of Governors contact details.

Please note that unless you have followed the steps above we cannot fully investigate any complaint. We have to allow each key staff member the chance to resolve any problems before we move on to the next stage.